Let's discover out how to take care of our physique.

Let's discover out how to take mind of our bodies.

"Swedish Massage."

The Swedish massage was developed by Healing, also|also} called the father of a physical therapist.

It's known as a extremely high-quality massage in foreign countries, and it's applied to muscle relaxation, pain relief, blood and lymphatic circulation, stress relief, etc. There are four basic alsowriting techniques.

It's made up of Effleurage, Petrissage, apotation, and Friction.

Vibration is applied to the monster depending on the situation. also characterized by a comfortable and relaxed feel

It's mainly used for relaxxing whole body care.I advocate a Swedish massage if you wish for to relax your whole body and get peace of your peace.

"Tie Massage."

By stimulating the passage of a flag called sen, it helps smooth the flow of energy to resolve body imbalances and boost metabolism.

It is mainly characterized by lower body stretching and chiropractic using halsos, elbows, knees, and soles, which increase flexibility, strengthen joints also ligaments, prevent aging, and relieve pain.

If you want stabilize, refreshment, flexibility, also a light body, tie massage is recommended!

"Limp Massage."

also called lymphadrena rat, it promotes lymphatic circulation and helps discharge waste.

When toxins construct up in the lymphatic system where lymphatic fluid flows, your face come to be dry or swollen.

this is a way to hygienic up wastes, elasticize the skin, also prevent aging by making blood circulation and lymphatic fluids work well.

I advocate this method when I desire to take out my body's toxins!

"Honoracic massage."

Gyeongnak is a method to circulate energy by vivifying the passage of energy flowing through our bodies.

Gyeongnak is a passageway through which the body is capable to move alive and move.

this is deeply related to organs in the body. Through the meridian, the obstacle can be released and the internal balance of the body can be adjusted to create a balanced body.


It is a technique that helps human corporal, mental, also psychological health by combining fragrance and treatment.
It uses natural essential oils to activate the purpose of the autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system.

It also influence emotions also emotions, so it calms both the body also the mind 건마.

I advocate aromatherapy if you want to enjoy both body and mind peace with a pleasant scent.

"Sports Massage."

It is designed to enhance physical functions such as improving athletes' performance, increasing joint range, and relieving fatigue in a short time.

It is mainly used to warm muscles and smooth blood circulation through massage before also after the game to ease tension also increase concentration. Mass-fat diet is a treatment method that corrects mental also physical imbalance, prevents trauma or disability, and helps relieve fatigue and boost vitality.

Basically, rather than using tools, it is effective to relax muscles by tapping, rubbing, and rubbing with your halsos.
Strong exercise or long-term activities can be expected to have the greatest recovery effect on muscles that are heavy and fatigue accumulated.
It's a bit of a strong massage, so I recommend it to those who want strong pressure.

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